Mame San is a sake flavoured vodka. Tasty, sweet, earthy and fresh.Vodka is by definition a pure grain distillate. Mame San (in German: Herr Bohne) is flavoured with sake and distilled from three beans from the prefecture of Tottori and the water of Zürichsee.Sword beanThe roasted sword bean is the nasal rider. With its cocoa and coffee notes, it provides Mame San with the gustatory depth.Azuki beanThe azuki bean is cooked before being distilled and gives the Mame San its sweet, fresh and light marzipan note.Soya beanCooked or prepared, the soya bean is known to many as a fresh, healthy 'Edamame' snack. Before being distilled, the soya bean is also pre-cooked to reveal its round umami aroma. It binds the alcohol ideally and provides a pleasant mouthfeel in Mame San.Sake (Junmai)The addition of sake - the Inatahime Ryokan, a tasty, exciting and rather dry Junmai of the brewery Inata Honten in Yonago, also Tottori - gives Mame San an additional warm umami note.Each individual bean delivers an unmistakable aroma for perfect harmony, the outstanding Zürichsee water together with the Junmai at the end the perfect crowning glory of the product.The spirit from Turicum and shizuku.Whether pure, on the rocks, mixed with mineral water, tonic or ginger brew. Mame San!With our suggestions we would like to give you refreshing ideas for your perfect drink - Mame San style.
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